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Display your official lyrics every time your song is played on platforms

Distribute Lyrics


Music With Lyrics

What Is Lyrics Distribution

Lyrics are one of the top search terms on the Internet. With 88% of music streaming subscribers looking for lyrics while listening to music, including lyrics on your favorite platform will drive engagement and enjoyment from your existing users


Display Lyrics On Platforms

Over 20 million people from around the world contribute to creating the largest catalog of lyrics ever
Get your song's lyrics displayed on global platforms like Spotify, iTunes, YouTube Music, Instagram, Facebook, etc.

Protect Your Lyrics 

Get your song's lyrics protected by distributing it with SwaLay. Powered by industry-leading partner TalantonCore, get your song published on worldwide platforms via our extensive deals with thousands of publishers


Get your song's lyrics on leading music platforms and lyrics databases
Our list of platforms includes

Lyrics Distribution

How to release your song's official lyrics to global platforms with SwaLay


Select SwaLay's All-In-One music distribution plan from here, and distribute your music & lyrics on global audio platforms


After the successful purchase of the plan, upload or submit your official lyrics to SwaLay using Lyrics Portal or email us

  • What is lyrics distribution?
    Distribute your lyrics to the most important music and social platforms. Have your lyrics seen on Instagram, Apple Music, Google, Shazam, Spotify, YouTube Music and many more.
  • What is SwaLay All-In-One plan?
    SwaLay offers All-In-One distribution plan for artists that included music distribution, lyrics distribution, song marketing, PR & news. You can get your lyrics distributed by choosing SwaLay All-In-One plan by following the below steps. Sign up/ login as artist on SwaLay. Go to pricing page. Select the All-In-One pack and continue. Enter song details and continue. Complete the payment by your favourite payment mode, order number and confirmation email will be sent to you. You can upload your music content as well as lyrics directly with the link in email. Or go to my account and choose Content Upload. In case of any assistance please feel free to connect us or e-mail at
  • I have purchased All-In-One pack, how to submit my lyrics?
    After succesful purchase of All-In-One pack follow the below steps. Sign up/ login as artist on SwaLay. Go to pricing page. Select the All-In-One pack and continue. Enter song details and continue. Complete the payment by your favourite payment mode, order number and confirmation email will be sent to you. You can upload your music content as well as lyrics directly with the link in email. Or go to my account and choose Content Upload. You can also send your lyrics over email by sending your order number, song name, lyricist and your official lyrics. In case of any assistance please feel free to connect us or e-mail at
  • How much time to distribute my lyrics?
    Your official lyrics are submitted to our global platform partners directly as you submit it to SwaLay. After content is approved the lyrics are usually live within 30 days, in some cases it may take more than usual time. In case of any assistance please feel free to connect us or e-mail at
  • Where my lyrics are distributed (platforms)?
    Your official lyrics are submitted to our global playtforms, you can check the platform list on the official Lyrics Page of SwaLay here In case of any assistance please feel free to connect us or e-mail at
  • Is there any guidlines for lyrics submission?
    Yes!, please make sure to follow SwaLay's Lyrics Guidlines available at our official website. In case of any assistance please feel free to connect us or e-mail at
  • I have a issue with my song distributed.
    We're always happy to hear your queries and provide you on-time solution. Please feel free to contact us by: Email us at . Raise a ticket at SwaLay Self Service Portal. Calling our SwaLay support specialist.


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